Book 3 in the Lily O'Hara Mystery series Welter is now available for order!
Books by Tracey Lee

In The Press

From the Writer
Tracey Lee
I grew up in the regional city of Launceston in Tasmania with my parents Patricia and Vivian and my brother Martin. It was a house full of books and story-telling.
After graduating from university I started a very rewarding teaching career that has spanned 40 years. I am an English teacher who has taught in Tasmania, Western Australia, Canberra and New South Wales.
I have always written; from about the age of eight. My creative life started with some fairly awful poetry and misguided prose. Adolescence provided enough self-consciousness for me to abandon writing for a while.
In 1994, along with some very good friends, I became a founding member of a writing group called The Aphorism Club. We published an anthology of our work in 1999 in which three of my short stories appear. The group and the work explored during those years remain an important part of my development as a fiction writer.
In 2005 I completed a Masters in Creative Writing at the University of Canberra. Both my teaching and writing is influenced by an appreciation of what motivates human behaviour; what maintains equilibrium and how we cope with the disturbances that threaten that balance. I predominantly write fiction for an adult audience that reflects on ordinary people responding to extraordinary events.